New download from the results screen

Even though customers love our new Report Builder, there are occasions when some organisations want to be able to download their raw compliance reporting data. 

David and Nick walked attendees through the new Excel download which has been added as an additional option to the Results Screen. 

Nick explained that you don't have to export all the results. You can make selections in the results breakdown area then just download those specific results. 

New user management module 

David explained that this module was created to make the ongoing management of users in the tool as easy as possible – especially for larger organisations. Nick gave a quick walk-through of the module, highlighting the new bulk download/upload function and other nice features.

New obligations register 

David and Nick were excited to show customers the new Obligations Register, which replaces the old ‘Library’. The new user interface makes it easier to find the exact legal compliance content you are looking for.

What's coming in 2020?

David announced that ComplyWith’s big focus for 2020 will be on delivering to our customers a whole new system for ensuring the right people are reporting on the right obligations.

Most of the current ‘admin’ tasks associated with mapping obligations to people, keeping those mappings up to date, and running compliance surveys will be automated or simplified.  

The game-changing technology underpinning the new system will be the culmination of over two years of hard work and heavy investment, explained David. Funding support from Callaghan Innovation has helped this project a lot.

It is expected ComplyWith will host a webinar in the second quarter of 2020 to share more details of the ‘new admin’ with our customer community.


If you are a ComplyWith customer and couldn’t attend the webinar, please reach out and we can share the recording with you.

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