To keep you up to date with the many regulatory responses to COVID-19, we've created a special lite version of our change tracking tool, ComplyWatch, and we're offering it for free. 

As New Zealanders rally together to fight the COVID-19 Pandemic, many important law changes have been urgently made to provide crucial assistance and support to them and their businesses. With ongoing changes expected for a while, we asked ourselves what we could do to help kiwi businesses navigate through this challenging time.

A range of government agencies are doing a great job at getting useful and timely information about COVID-19 related changes up on their websites. We noticed, however, that there isn't a single source of truth where all this information is collated and easily accessed (unless you already subscribe to ComplyWatch).

With this in mind, we have created and invite you to sign-up for a free lite version of ComplyWatch dedicated to keeping businesses updated on the changes that are happening across government in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Signing up for this tool will provide you with:

  • Instant notifications delivered to your inbox of developments relevant to you (you can easily adjust your preferences for these)
  • Scheduled reports giving you an overview of the developments from the past week (or another period you select)
  • Access at any time to the ComplyWatch Portal where you can view plain English information, links and documents related to all the developments being tracked. 

To find out more about how the ComplyWatch tool works, please see the short video below or read more here


To sign up for your free ComplyWatch COVID-19 change tracking tool, please send us a message here. We'll have you up and running in no time! 


Please note terms and conditions apply to this offer. Priority will be given to existing ComplyWith NZ customers who don't have a ComplyWatch subscription.

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